Reason # 5: Leading others requires being able to lead yourself
People expect their leaders to speak out on matters of values and conscience. Taking a stand for your own values gives your team confidence that you will take a stand for the values you all share. Finding your own voice comes from discovering what you care about and what makes you who you are as a leader. Discovering your inner voice which drives your behavior cannot be done “on the fly”. You demonstrate your values to those who follow you by how you spend your time and what you focus on.
When was the last time you reflected on your own values? Are they written and visible to you and known to your team? Have you developed and articulated your leadership philosophy? Have you shared your philosophy with those around you?
Having the commitment from your team whether your team is your family, your community and/or your organization occurs when you have clarity in your communication and when you align your values with your team’s values.
Take this wisdom to heart. The chief predictors of your present and future success is in the time you spend in self-reflection, in your openness to and in search for feedback and in your capacity to engage in new behaviors. Today, look at your calendar, your meeting agendas, and your “checkbook.” These are significant signals as to whether you are living your values. Read the blog on “Model the Way” to expand your understanding on this subject.
Want to not be just a great leader, but rather an exemplary one? Join us for the two-day The Leadership Challenge for Women coming soon.