By Julie McGee, Northstar Team Development
When Jane invited me to participate in her workshop on Create Your Own Vision Board Experience, I swallowed my inward groan and smiled, and said, “Sure.”
Given my skeptical Generation X nature coupled with a failed scrap booking attempt (shunned by the group when I inadvertently admitted I threw out my negatives circa early 1990’s prior to mainstream digital media), I was somewhat reluctant to embark on this adventure.
Jane started us off with an intro by explaining how to create your vision to bring clarity to achievable goals, dial in to your own affirmations, and help us keep focus on our intentions. She shared one of her first vision boards with us to give us some ideas about how to get started, what a finished product looks like, and told us what things on her board manifested themselves.
Armed with a pair of scissors, a glue stick, markers, and a stack of magazines, our group went to work finding images that resonated with our inner selves. I love to travel so images of beaches, mountains, vineyards were easy to find so I started clipping away.
As I was daydreaming about faraway places, I started to think about my new status as an empty nester with my two daughters away at college and the words from SUCCESS magazine jumped out at me “Now What Am I Going to Do?
Aside from a lifelong love of traveling, what did I really want? One of my main goals of life was accomplished. That is both of my daughters graduated high school with honors and enrolled in STEM programs at Cedar Crest College. What would be my next big challenge?
The rapid nature of choosing images without a set plan started to develop an interesting pattern. I found myself drawn to images of gifts which led to reflection on what gifts I have to offer and the self-exploration of where I may want to direct my energy now.
The tangible result of my 3 hour journey displayed on a 22 x 24 white board is one part fun for my travel adventures and one part a deeper dive into sharing my gifts to advance causes I care about – children and environmental conservation.
BUT, that was not the best part of the night. The evening ended with the opportunity to share our board with the group to give our vision a voice. It was inspiring to hear the stories of other women on their road to visualizing their dreams.
It was way more fun that I thought it was going to be, and I’m very grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow with a fantastic group of women. Thank you, Northstar Team Development!
Interested in visualizing your dreams into goals in a creative, interactive way? Sign up for Jane’s next vision board workshop on August 7th at 5:30 pm and bring a friend!