Written by Jane Wells Schooley
Who is that person that you just “don’t get”? Name the type of behavior that just drives you crazy. When this person enters a meeting, you just silently (or not so silently) groan. Ever hear yourself say, “Please, God, I hope he misses his flight for Thanksgiving dinner.” Or is it a coworker who takes forever to make a decision. Or maybe it is a boss who is fast talking, very direct, cuts you off in mid-sentence and expects quick action. Let’s talk about the latter. Would you love to be able to feel comfortable and confident in dealing with this behavior? Of course, you already do, if this describes you!
The DISC assessment is a tool which demystifies the universal observable language of human behavior to help you communicate more effectively with each type. Through DISC we understand “how” we and others act. Each of the four behavior styles: “D” or Dominant/Driver, “I” or Inspirational/Influential, “S” or Stable/Steady and “C” or Correct/Compliant has a scale of low to high behaviorally. Each style is neutral and only becomes positive or negative based on our beliefs and preferences. Each of us, in fact, is the sum of the intensity of all four factors. “D” represents how we behave in the face of problems and challenges. The other three “I”, “S”, and “C” will be discussed in future blog posts. So let’s look at those who display a default style of high D. Why?
Humans create conflict when they are not educated about the behaviors of others and they don’t adapt. They often take personally behaviors they don’t like.
High D’s are task focused and direct. They can see the vision of the future but not necessarily the details between now and that future. Take Sara, a new manager at a call center. Sara believes that each employee should do their job and get off the phone. “Next!” is her mantra. She gives direct instructions to her team and sees no need to “sugar coat” her feedback. She gets results. Her primary emotion in the face of delay or poor results is likely to be anger. She is active, moves fast and gets things done.
Secrets to quickly recognize the high “D”
When dealing with problems, they:
- Achieve results
- Choose action over planning
- Take on big challenges with big risks for the big rewards
- Are quick to assess the situation and decide a course of action
- Exude self-confidence
- Quick to anger
- Set high standards
- Will fight back when challenged
- Are quick to get to the bottom line
- Challenge the status quo
- Thrive in power positions
- Often break the rules
So if you approach problems in a different way, you may be a low D.
Secrets to quickly identify a low “D”
People whose behavioral style when dealing with problems is low on the D scale, look like this:
- Assess the problem, then reflect on a possible course of action
- Decide more slowly
- Assume less risk
- Likely to conform to status quo
- Conservatively accept challenges
- Work in a more controlled, organized way
- Usually, follow the rules
- Slow to anger
It is your CHOICE
DISC is about observable behaviors, not personality. Since we can choose how we act, we can choose how to relate successfully to a “D” behavioral profile.
Here’s the secret:
- Be direct
- Keep details to a minimum
- Start with an executive summary whether verbally or in a written document
- Stick to the task with minimal small talk
Your next step? Learn more about your own style and how to deal effectively with others by taking advantage of our irresistible end of summer special offer. It will change your personal and professional life.